By Neal Prokop, Sport Performance Specialist

Sport requires reaction! Especially in team sports, where athletes might need to play defense, partner reaction drills are a great way to train quickness and add an unknown element to the drill. You’ll notice these types of drills almost mirror the idea of defensive play and containment. Since team sports often require reaction to an opponent, these types of drills make a great addition to the end of the warm-up to help transition the athlete into the game-ready mindset!


Try these drills next practice or warm-up!


#1 – Reactive Stop & Go



#2 – Reactive Side Shuffle




#3 – Reactive Cross Over



#4 – Reactive Trail



#5 – Reactive Trail and Reverse



#6 – Reactive Mirror Drill – Forwards & Backwards



Try incorporating these reaction drills into your program this week!  For questions and support, always reach out to


Stay healthy and happy training!