By Sam Cortes, Communications Coordinator

What is Foam Rolling?

Foam rolling is a form of myofascial release technique for the connective tissues. It helps release any tight spots, knots or trigger points you may have in your muscles. When you hold or roll pressure on these spots with a foam roller, you should feel the pressure releasing as the knot lets go. 

Your body’s connective tissue has many layers and fluid that help lubricate your joints. Foam rolling can help create movement between the layers of tissues that can sometimes get stuck. 

Foam rollers come in different densities (softer or harder). The more dense, the more intense, but it’s important to remember you control the amount of pressure while rolling. If you’re new to foam rolling, start with a softer roller and work your way up to something more dense.


Why Do It?

Foam rolling is great to do before a workout to prepare your body for movement so you can come into the workout with your full range of motion. It’s also an effective tool in preventing  injury.

You can incorporate foam rolling into your recovery routine, too, to assist in relieving muscle soreness and flushing out inflammation or lactic acid build up in your body. During your active rest days, try some active recovery by foam rolling and going for a light walk.


To show the use of a foam roller


Tips for Use

It’s important to remember not to roll over any bones or bruises as it can increase bruising and cause some pain. Only use the roller on your muscles and ligaments.

When you locate your trigger points on your body, you want to stay and roll in the area for a while, apply gradual pressure, and use your arms and legs as support.

If you’re new to foam rolling, we encourage you to roll along with the direction of muscle fibre in a straight up and down motion. If you’re not feeling as much of a release this way, try a cross-friction motion, which is holding a trigger point and rocking side to side against the direction of the muscle fibre on the foam roller so you can get a little deeper.

In terms of pace, go slow and steady! Depending on the area and the trigger point, it’s not something you want to do quickly. 

Overall, there are a lot of benefits to foam rolling both before and after a workout, but it’s important to ease into it and listen to your body to ensure you experience those benefits. 

Stay tuned for an upcoming blog where we will share some specific rolling moves you can try to target different parts of the body! 

Have questions? Feel free to reach out and email us at