By Nolan Kowal, Sport Performance Specialist

Hey everyone!

Thanks for checking out another Fit Kids blog. We hope everyone is still doing okay with the whole stay-at-home thing. In case you are getting bored of the same old activities, we’ve got some more options for you to keep you active:


Fitness RPG is a cool new app that turns walking into a game.

Down Dog gives you a brand new yoga workout every time you use the app. This one might be more for the parents out there, but you can always make it a family affair too!


Laser Fly Swat is a great game that practices tracking and running. All you need is a laser pointer/flashlight and a fly swatter or rolled up newspaper.

Jays Care

Jays Care posts daily challenges for kids aged 4-18 across Canada. You can take pictures/videos to show your kids completing the challenges and upload them for a chance to win prizes, or just do them for fun!

They are uploaded weekly here with the instructions.

Activity Cards

Our Activity Cards are made specifically for getting active in small spaces with little equipment. Parents, you can print out the cards and let the kids pick one!

Well that’s it for now. Let us know which ones were the most fun. Stay active!

As always, a big thank you to Doctors Manitoba for their tremendous support of the Fit Kids Healthy Kids program.