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Bryn is currently working towards her degree in education, majoring in kinesiology and minoring in French at the University of Winnipeg. Her end goal is to become a physical education teacher.

She has trained at a high-performance level in biathlon and cross-country skiing and coached cross-country skiing for several years.

In her spare time, you will find her at the cabin doing any activity that involves being in the outdoors.

Bryn Kirby

Importance of Strength Training for Runners

It’s no secret that aerobic activities like running have...

Podcast Episode: At-Home Activities

Our Fitness Centre Manager Giulia De Leo and our...

Summer Solstice Karma Class

June 21 is a special day for many reasons...

News Post

My Take On 6 Years at Sport Manitoba Fitness

The fitness studio was dimly lit with glowing, flameless candles and the emerging morning sun. It was my first time instructing a fusion class, which is a blend of pilates and yoga.  It was a cozy and relaxing start to that January day in 2018, for both myself and the class. This is one of…