By Nolan Kowal, Sport Performance Specialist

Now that gyms have closed, make sure your home workouts don’t get stale. Try these alternative workout ideas!



This is a fun way to incorporate strength and conditioning in one quick workout. EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) is a CrossFit-inspired workout. The beauty of this style of program is that you can dictate the movements and rep schemes so you get a lot of say in how it is structured.

How to:

Every minute is a new movement and you have one minute intervals to complete the desired rep scheme. An example could be:

Squats x 15

  • Could add weight for more of a challenge

Floor Press x 5 OR Push-ups x 5

  • Count to 3 as you lift and lower to work tempo for more of a challenge

Lateral Lunges x 10 each

  • Could add weight, could use makeshift sliders for more of a challenge

Russian Twists x 10 each

  • Could add weight or elevate feet for more of a challenge

Set a timer for 5 rounds (20 minutes total work time). This is a great challenge that is sure to get your heart rate up while giving you a full-body workout.


Agility Drills

No agility ladder? No problem! Use a few pairs of socks to create your own markings on the floor. Google different drills and see how quickly you can work through them. Here’s a quick video with a few ideas!



Finally, why not take this time to move your body with purpose and pay more attention to how you move? I have heard from quite a few clients that they feel as though they are moving less these days so it is a great idea to consider addressing this! 

Here is an excellent video of one of our LIVE Mobility classes!

Do your best to move your body every day, even if you need to think outside the box a bit.

home workout