By Sarah Tone, Communications Coordinator

When Janine Stephens, Manitoba’s rowing team head coach, found out that her assistant coach would not be able to make it to Niagara for the Summer Games due to work commitments, she knew who would be a perfect replacement. Roger Meager is one of those people who has done everything and knows everyone in the world of rowing.

Roger is originally from Wales, but rowing has had him move all around the world. Coming to Canada with his veterinarian wife, who is, as Roger says “a very patient lady”, Roger has coached in Ontario, BC, for Rowing Canada’s national team as well as a little side trip to Hong Kong for several years.

Roger is a deep well of knowledge about rowing and with his dry sense of humor, a very approachable and effective coach.  Manitoba’s rowers have taken to Roger since his arrival in Niagara.

You might be wondering how Roger came to be part of Team Toba.  The connection was made several years ago when Roger came to Winnipeg to assess Janine on one of her coaching levels and he was very impressed by her style of coaching and commitment to the sport.  Roger has told Janine that she is one of the few coaches he would come and work with on this short notice.  A definite win for Toba.

Seeing Roger move around the venue and at coaches’ meetings, you realize he is a fixture in the rowing world as he knows everyone in the room and is able to kibitz with them in a way that only personal knowledge can.

All humility aside, Team Toba’s rowing coaches are a dynamic duo who bring knowledge, experience and passion to our team and that is a combination that is hard to beat!