Safe Sport Policies

Policies and Templates

Sport Manitoba is asking sport organizations to commit to enacting and enforcing strong, clear, and effective policies and processes for preventing and addressing all forms of misconduct or maltreatment. The Safe Sport policies have been provided by Sport Law and adapted for sport organizations. The policies are intended to promote a Safe Sport environment in a manner that allows for consistent, immediate, appropriate, and meaningful action should any issues arise, but also to prevent issues from arising by communicating expected standards of behaviour.

Governance Suite Request

Please fill out the form below if you'd like access to Sport Manitoba's full suite of policy templates and governance resources. If you have any questions, please connect with Leanne Traynor at

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Policy Templates Overview

This document contains a brief description of all Safe Sport and governance policies offered by Sport Manitoba.

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Code of Conduct & Ethics Policy

This policy ensures a safe and positive environment within the programs, activities, and events of the organization by making participants aware there is an expectation, at all times, of appropriate behaviour consistent with the applicable organization’s core values and policies.

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Social Media Use Policy

A policy created to set boundaries and standards for the organization's representatives’ social media use.

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Social Media Guidelines

This policy provides coaches and athletes with tips and suggestions for social media use. These guidelines are not hard and fast rules or behavioural laws, but rather recommendations that will inform coaches’ and athletes’ best judgment.

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Athlete Protection Guidelines

The athlete protection guidelines describe how persons in authority shall maintain a safe sport environment for all athletes.

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Whistleblower Policy

This policy establishes guidance for the receipt, retention, and treatment of verbal or written reports received by the organization from a participant regarding actions that

(i) are illegal, unethical, or contrary to the organization’s policies in respect of accounting, internal controls, disclosure, or business practices or

(ii) constitute discrimination, harassment, violence, or abuse against a participant by a director or another participant.

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