By Sam Cortes, Communications Coordinator
What is P-Series?

Sport Manitoba’s Performance Series, or P-Series, brings together specialists from different fields to deliver engaging seminars that educate athletes, parents and coaches.

Delivered through our Performance Centre, these seminars feature speakers who will provide valuable info that aims to optimize performance and assist in your athletic development. 


Team Manitoba Basketball Game


What will you gain from P-Series?

The P-Series talks will help you understand the “why” of performance plans and recommendations.   

You’ll also have access to resources and guidelines that help you learn more about the process of becoming a high performance athlete. 


How are the P-Series talks beneficial to you and your athletic growth?

Did you know much of an athlete’s performance in competition is established away from the field (or the court, ice, ring — whatever it may be)?

Through P-Series, you’ll walk away with off-the-field knowledge that you can apply in your sport and boost your athletic performance!


What can you expect from P-Series?

This year, our P-Series talks are going virtual. 

The seminars will include, but are not limited to: Tips to Optimizing Strength and Conditioning, Mental Skills, Progressing Plyometrics, and Managing Injuries. 

You can find the links to the talks here:

Progressing Plyometrics

How to Optimize Your Strength & Conditioning Program

Managing Stress & Anxiety

You Snooze, You WIN!


Have questions before or after the seminar? Don’t worry! Professionals will be available to answer your questions. Just reach out to us at