
Sport Development Officer - Indigenous, Northern, Remote Community Consultant

With a focus on reconciliation and the five calls to action specific to sport (#87 to #91) from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action, Iris is Sport Manitoba’s lead for Indigenous sport development. Iris will work closely with the Manitoba Aboriginal Sport and Recreation Council to support the increase of Indigenous sport development across Manitoba. She maintains community sport consulting for local and regional sport partners in Indigenous, northern, remote and isolated communities. Iris continues to work from our Thompson office.

Iris Murray

2024 Night of Champions Award Winners

Once again, Sport Manitoba is proud to be recognizing...

Mental Health Micro Sessions: Support for Coaches Who Train Athletes With Mental Illness

Compared to other athletes, high-performance athletes tend to have...

Making Ethical Decisions

By successfully completing the Making Ethical Decisions workshop, you...


Safe Sport Summit

Sport Manitoba is proud to host our first Safe Sport Summit! Titled Building a Safer and Stronger Sport Culture, the 2024 Sport Manitoba Summit will bring together sport administrators, coaches, parents, officials, athletes, and volunteers from across all sports in Manitoba. The event will include professional development opportunities, presentations, engagement activities, and resources that will…