Month: May 2020

Now that gyms have closed, make sure your home workouts don’t get stale. Try these alternative workout ideas!   EMOM This is a fun way to incorporate strength and conditioning in one quick workout. EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) is a CrossFit-inspired workout. The beauty of this style of program is that you can…

Keeping healthy while holed up at home can be hard, but it can also be rewarding and fun.  If you want to stay active and live a healthy lifestyle while staying home, here’s a few tips to help you meet your goals.   Fitness   Gyms were among the first facilities to shut down –…

To train for power and explosiveness, jumps need to be incorporated into your workout! Jumps are a type of plyometric exercises that utilize the stretch-shortening cycle. Jumps require muscles to exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power. Jumps have progressions, and need to be logically incorporated into your…